Pip and I came across 6 dog walkers this morning and she was very well behaved indeed. She also made sure that she didn’t do any business on our way to the fields. My word it was such a beautiful morning, there was no breeze, beautiful sunshine and hardly any traffic on the roads at all. I know it’s a Sunday but even so, it was completely deserted. I believe the weather is changing from later today and in the rest of the week, but super grateful that we’ve had such gorgeous weather whilst in lockdown.
Clair had to do some work for one of her accounting clients and I did an hour of Yoga via Facebook live with a local Yoga teacher who we used to be taught by some years ago at the local leisure centre. It was wonderful to hear her calming voice. She just asked for donations, but it was only £3.75 for the session, which I thought was very fair indeed. So I will be attending this next time. I believe she is doing it 3 times per week.
Then I cut the grass before the rain arrives this evening!
Did some research on the web to help me with Wordpress and that blasted Divi Theme! And I’ve started with Instagram again, after leaving it 2 years ago. But doing to for a very specific purpose, to only upload all our whiteboard animation videos and cartoons. Took some time to format the videos to the ideal height and width. So strange why they have such an odd format, that doesn’t fit to anything standard, very annoying!
Michael out…
Ps. U.K. government data sets: